Kuan Yin Meditation Centre, located in Lismore NSW, supports both Insight (Vipassana) and Zen meditation traditions.

The Centre was established by Subhana Barzaghi, a teacher in both the Zen and Insight (Vipassana) traditions. The Dojo was purpose built by Subhana as the first Zen Temple in Australia.

The purpose of the Centre is to provide a place for the community to come together to meditate and explore the Buddha’s teachings on freedom.

The Kuan Yin Meditation Centre premises are also available for hire by other meditation and yoga groups.


“Love this self, for no outcome,
just to be love.

Love this moment, for no reason,
just to be love.

Love the person before me,
for no reward, just to be love.”

Lismore Zen Group
Mondays 6:00 - 8:00pm
with 'Doshin' Rachel Whiting

A small friendly group of meditators who welcome beginners. Our focus is on assisting you to feel comfortable and supported to experience the benefits of meditation and mindfulness in a way that works for you in your current life situation. No expectations, no pressure, all welcome. Youth-friendly, queer friendly, neuro-divergent friendly, all ages 16+. You will receive meditation instruction, personal guidance and an exploration of ancient wisdom.

Cost: $5 Hall Hire + $10 recommended donation to teacher/ dojo build (Dana)
Contact: Doshin on 0427 778 837 or mushinji@proton.me

Insight Meditation Group
Wednesday 7:00 - 9:00pm
with Emma Pittaway and other insight teachers

These evenings are a casual and friendly opportunity to explore insight/vipassana meditation and connect with sangha (community). Insight/vipassana meditation is based on the historical teachings of the Buddha and is the basis of modern mindfulness. Wednesday evenings include a guided practice session, teaching and discussion.
All welcome! Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.

Cost: $5 facility fee + dana (contribution for the teachings)
Contact: Rosi on 0402682925 or email kuanyinmeditation@gmail.com
