Casual Wednesday night sessions
7-9pm at Kuan Yin Meditation Centre
Wednesday evenings at Kuan Yin are a casual and friendly opportunity to explore insight/vipassana meditation and connect with sangha (community). Insight/vipassana meditation is based on the historical teachings of the Buddha and is the basis of modern mindfulness. Wednesday evenings include a guided practice session, teaching and discussion.
All welcome! Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.
Cost: $5 facility fee + dana (contribution for the teachings)
Contact: Rosi on 0402682925 or email kuanyinmeditation@gmail.com
Meditation Courses
Natural awareness: meditation as a way of being
Online: Mondays 17 Feb - 3 Mar 6:30-8:30pm AEDT via Zoom
In person @ Kuan Yin: Wednesdays 19 Feb - 5 Mar 7-9pm
The natural awareness approach is relaxed and open and ideally suited to meditation in daily life. Suitable for beginners. Facilitated by Emma Pittaway.
Cost: $30 + dana (contribution for the teachings)
Bookings and enquiries: emma.wilddharma@gmail.com
Days of Mindfulness
Days of mindfulness are opportunities to come together for shared silent meditation practice. The schedule is open and relaxed, and people are encouraged to use any of the four postures of meditation: sitting, standing, lying and moving. Meditation instruction is provided and there are opportunities to discuss practice and ask questions. Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.
Saturday May 10 @ Kuan Yin Meditation Centre
Taught by Emma Pittaway
Cost: $15 facility fee + dana (contribution for the teachings)
Bookings and enquiries: emma.wilddharma@gmail.com
The Way of Natural Awareness
28 March – 12 April 2025
This retreat will be taught by Patrick Kearney & Emma Pittaway
Our practice is based on mindfulness, which emerges from the continuity of awareness. How can we maintain awareness? By recognizing the fact that awareness is part of nature; it’s not something we need to generate. When we “try” to be aware, our effort is based on our desire to be someone different, to have something different. But if we are already aware, then what is there to try for? And when we stop trying and allow ourselves to recognize what is already here, what happens then?
Natural awareness is an open and relaxed approach to meditation as a way of being in the world. Emphasizing continuity of awareness throughout activities as the basis for the cultivation of insight, it dissolves the dichotomy between 'meditation' and 'the rest of our life'. This retreat will explore the possibilities for this practice, held within the traditional Satipatthana framework.
More information: Perth Insight Meditation Group
One-on-one 'deepening practice' sessions
Emma offers one-on-one deepening practice sessions of 30-60 minutes for people to explore their meditation practice more deeply. This may include questions about what is arising in your practice, the natural awareness approach, the teachings of the Buddha, and integrating meditation into daily life. Sessions are conducted via zoom or by arrangement at the Kuan Yin Meditation Centre.
For expressions of interest please contact emma.wilddharma@gmail.com